FMP Experimental Shoot 3 – Long Exposures

For my final experimentation of long exposure photography, I invested in neutral density filters in order to extend my exposure time without corrupting the details within the image. This shoot was therefore a success, as although imperfect I had several outcomes that portrayed varying degrees of long exposure effectively.

In Photoshop, I have retouched my best outcomes using the gradient map tool, sharpen tool and auto-contrast. These have darkened my images and made them greyscale, which gives them an elderly look. This was particularly effective on the image of the long boat, making it seem historical and emphasising the impact of the boat within the image.

If I were to shoot again, I would re-attend the same setting at sunrise/sunset, in order to pick up a diverse range of colours and tones. The minimal light will also allow me to expose the image for longer, smoothing all movement to an extended degree.